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Swordfish on a friday

Later start for the day after getting more fuel, (don’t even mention the price) The weather was a slicker, the sun out and a slight breeze out the south. setting up to drift in the bite the first bait down got smashed, had the fish on and off about 6/7 times Before finally staying tight. Having him rush up and go airborne is always a wicked sight to see, sadly during these aerobatics we pulled the hook. Next drop down, same spott had some solid action, some good string bites but couldn’t stick him. 3rd drop and right as we got the weight off got a solid slap, slacking the bait down and coming tight. Fish raced up the surface and started to jump, getting the weight off before the fish turned back around. At the point the fish decided he was out, running down to 500 feet and sitting there, slowly over 20 mins we worked him back to the surface, getting leader and gaffing him. The fish was on the smaller side, but will feed us all over the weekend 💪🏽

Check out our posts later in the week to see what and how we like to preppare and cook it. I’m thinking its time to fire up the traeger grill. 🔥

First video is the first fish that was much bigger, this is the initial bite, very obvious compared to most. The second video is a short Timelapse of Capt. Hunter cleaning and steaking him.

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